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Yes, I have finally created a Facebook fan page so that our gamers and providers can keep up-to-date with the latest news and info. Plus I have decided to post all of the new coupons...
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Game Server Ratings   

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Yes, I have finally created a Facebook fan page so that our gamers and providers can keep up-to-date with the latest news and info. Plus I have decided to post all of the new coupons to Facebook so it can be managed more easily. If your on Facebook please go and become a fan of Game Server Ratings we need all the support we can get. I will be doing giveaways, contests, and many other events via our Facebook page.

First Giveaway:We gave away a free 1 month subscription to ESEA.net

I’ve been receiving many request for a feature where our users can flag false, fake, and inappropriate reviews. We listen to our users and have added this new feature to our website. It will come with some limitations so that we can limit the abuse of this flagging feature.

1. You can flag a review only once
2. You must write out a honest and specific reason why you are flagging
3. Just because you flag a review does not mean it will be removed

This new feature is for our providers benefit, we want to give them the best possible chance to earn your business. Comment on this post and let me know what you think.

Welcome to SpexHost!

SpexHost is your solution to reliable and affordable shells. SpexHost strives to satisfy each and every customer. Its founding fathers were once customers of shell companies too, and they knew exactly what customers are looking for in terms of Support and Service. SpexHost has a promise to all its customers to have the absolute best support and service in the shell hosting industry.

Our servers come with advanced DDoS-Mitigation to help lessen the effects of DDoS attacks on our network. No longer worry about your connection dropping due to Denial of Service or other unwanted traffic.

Company Email: service@spexhost.com

Company URL: http://www.spexhost.com/