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Our Story: NodeCraft was started by a group of friends that love to play games, but were tired of having bad experiences with run-of-the-mill lazy hosting companies. We had tried multitudes of hosts, but none...
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Our Story:

NodeCraft was started by a group of friends that love to play games, but were tired of having bad experiences with run-of-the-mill lazy hosting companies. We had tried multitudes of hosts, but none of them quite made it (some of them far from it), so we got together and said “Hey, lets make our own hosting company” and so Nodecraft was born.

We all background in developement of one breed or another. We’ve got a web developers and java developers on board to make this the best experience posible. While we haven’t got our own unique system for server setup, we are working hard on going that direction with our Phoenix Control Minecraft Control Panel.

What we offer:

Currently we offer just Minecraft servers either in the form of shared hosting on Zeus (our main server). We aim to expand pretty rapidly into web hosting, voice servers, and other game servers such as Counter Strike, Garry’s Mod and TF2.

Purchasing a Minecraft server will of course give you all the standard things you’d expect; FTP access, control panel to start/stop, live-console, etc. We currently use MultiCraft to provide our control panel, but our own personal one is still in development, and we hope to launch that live in the near future.

We also offer a managed minecraft server solution, in the form of us installing, updating and configuring Bukkit plugins for you, at a very low cost, but if you feel confident managing a server, you can go entirely unmanaged and have at it via FTP and our control panel.

Why you should choose us:

At NodeCraft, we are not happy unless all of our customers are happy. we aim to provide the best and most affordable service in the business.
For our opening, we are also offering 50% off for the first three months on any service!
We also highly value the bukkit developer community, because without them there wouldn’t be a clear way to mod MineCraft servers. It’s awesome how so many devote their time and knowledge into making plugins for server operators to use.
We want to give back!
For each server well sell we are reserving one server for a Bukkit Developer to use while testing his plugin for development. The server provided will be small (5 slots), 512MB RAM, include 10GB diskspace, and up to 5 MySQL databases.
If you are interested in obtaining a development server: feel free to fill in an application as described at http://getnodecraft….page/developers

Server Pricing:

We provide various tiers of Minecraft server, which can all be seen on our website, or below:

Private Server: Whitelist only, 256MB RAM, no MySQL, vanilla, 8 slots $4.49/m
Small Server: 512MB RAM, MySQL available, Bukkit, max 10 slots, $9.95/m
Medium Server: 1024MB RAM, MySQL available, Bukkit, max 15 slots, $19.95/m
Large Server: 2048B RAM, MySQL available, Bukkit, max 35 slots, $39.95/m
Monster Server: 4092MB RAM, MySQL available, Bukkit, max 50 slots, $59.95/m

Contacting us:

You can contact us in many ways, including via our toll free number at 1-888-907-3220!
All our email addresses are listed on our team page, our live support can be found on any page, and if you’re a customer, you can submit a ticket at any time, and we’ll aim to get back to you within an hour (maximum 12 hours during peak time).

We look forward to your business, and if you have any questions, feel free to Call us Toll Free, shoot us an email, use our live support, or send us a message here!

Date Founded: 05/19/2012
Coupon Codes: BRICKSTART
Website: http://getnodecraft.net

X-RayHosting was founded in 2011, our goal is to bring you the best support, speed, quality, and repect for the lowest prices possible. X-RayHosting was built for gamers, by gamers. We are truly dedicated and are here to help you, whenever needed. We are always here to help you if its though LiveChat, Skype, Email, or Support Tickets we can almost guarantee a 2-3 hour response time. We would like to re-define the hosting industry so that you are without worry to make those five or ten dollars, that you may need to pay your bill at the end of the month. We will work with you to the best of our abilities to give you the best and lowest price possible. Please always feel free to contact us as we find the better relationship that we we have with you, the happier you will be!

Date Founded: 12/23/2011
Coupon Codes: FIFTEENOFF- Take 15 percent off your next order at X-RayHosting!
Website: http://www.x-rayhost.com/

Not only do we already offer a huge selection of hosted game servers, both leading voice server communications clients (Teamspeak & Ventrilo), and a range of dedicated servers, we also ensure that we are always expanding the list of what we offer.

This isn’t just offering extra titles or more options, at GameServage we are also always looking for new and innotive ways to deliver our services. This need to constantly innovate and fine tune our service delivery process all goes towards making your experience with GameServage even more enjoyable.

So whether your just starting off and wanting your first game server, need a voice server or just after a new home for your clan website, we have a solution that will fit your requirements. Alternatively, if you think that your clan is ready for the next level and you need to expand, then our dedicated servers will be just the ticket.

With GameServage you can be sure that whatever service it is you take from us, that it is being hosted and supported by one of the UK’s leading gaming service providers.

Date Founded: 04/10/2012
Coupon Codes: Check Back Soon
Website: http://www.gameservage.com