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We like to think of VirtualGladiators.com as Minecraft hosting with a touch of fun! We understand your hosting is important so we keep this as our number one priority, but we also believe your shopping...
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79 game server providers  11 voice / hosting providers
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We like to think of VirtualGladiators.com as Minecraft hosting with a touch of fun! We understand your hosting is important so we keep this as our number one priority, but we also believe your shopping experience with us can be fun too! That’s why all of our packages are not only priced competitively, but all have amazing Minecraft themed art work. We have worked very hard in giving each package its own identity, to make choosing the one which best suits you enjoyable and we hope this shows. We have a dedicated team on standby 24/7 monitoring servers and providing the best support possible. All of our servers sport nothing but the best hardware and speeds, instant setup on payment completion. Our current server locations are USA and Europe. All Minecraft servers come with a powerful Multicraft control panel, FTP access, and one click plugin installation. All servers are backed up twice a day, 7 days a week. There’s also unlimited disk space and bandwidth, server uptime 99.9%. If you are unhappy or find our services are not satisfactory, we provide a 7 day money back guarantee. All we ask in return is feedback on the issue so we can better improve our service. Come check us out!

Date Founded: 2013-01-09
Coupon Codes: GSPVG – 10% off first the first month!
Website: http://www.virtualgladiators.com

Independent video game developer Mojang has another reason to celebrate, after Minecraft passed 11 million sales for Windows and Mac. The official Minecraft website shows that over 11,000,000 people have purchased the game to date.

The game was only launched officially in November 2011, meaning that Mojang has hit the milestone in a little over 18 months.

There are currently no server providers located in Denmark.

The following server providers are located in Norway:


We’ve been around since 2011 and have previously hosted game servers for CS, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress, and various VoIP solutions under the name Book4Free. The name Spillvert.no was taken early 2013 and we now focus exclusively on Premium Minecraft hosting aimed for Norwegian customers. In fact, we are the only norwegian minecraft host that is even competitive with the bigger, European GSP’s when it comes to pricing and quality.

Just because we are small does not mean that we can not offer the same as the larger game server providers do – in fact, we believe it is the opposite! We offer fast, personal support in both English and Norwegian, very high uptime and a guaranteed lag-free experience. Our customers should expect to get the same (or better) from us, as with all bigger European server providers.

We use the latest in server technology with Intel Xeon E3/E5 CPU, DDR3 memory and lightning fast SSD’s in all our machines.

Try before you buy: we offer a free trial for everyone who wish to try our game servers before buying.


Som et norskregistrert foretak hadde vi vår spede start i 2011. Da under navnet Book4Free. Navnet Spillvert.no ble tatt tidlig 2013. Vi fokuserer nå utelukkende på Premium Minecraft og Mumble-hosting myntet på kunder fra Skandinavia, hovedsakelig Norge. Vi har tidligere hostet spillservere for CS, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress samt diverse VoIP-løsninger. På denne måten har vi opparbeidet en solid kompetanse innenfor feltet.

Vår samarbeidspartner og serverleverandør er Eltele AS. Eltele sørger for at våre tjenester til en hver tid har den kvaliteten som forventes for at vi skal være markedsledende og på den måten, være ditt førstevalg som leverandør! Bare fordi vi er små så betyr ikke det at vi ikke kan tilby det samme som de større gameserver tilbyderne gjør – faktisk så mener vi det er motsatt! Vi tilbyr rask, personlig support på både engelsk og norsk, svært høy oppetid og en garantert laggfri opplevelse.

Uttrykket «Du får hva du betaler for» blir i vårt tilfelle misvisende, da vi mener at du får mye mer enn hva du betaler for hos oss.

Er du i tvil? Da inviterer vi deg til å prøve en gameserver gratis hos oss før du kjøper!

Date Founded: 2011-01-01
Coupon Codes:
Website: http://www.Spillvert.no

The following server providers are located in Sweden:

SwedishHost.com is leasing servers with Scandinavia as a geographical focus. Since birth of this company we have always strived to be the most reliable host out there. By combining high-end hardware with well tested systems and a in house developed control panel, we make sure that the customer always feel safe and secure with their service.
If a problem or a question arises, we have skilled technicians ready to answer both day and night.

We are also known for being partner with Dreamhack (the worlds largest LAN festival). And if their judgement does not sway you, contact one of our representatives for a personal look at what we can offer our customers.

Date Founded: 2009-01-01
Coupon Codes: n/a
Website: http://www.swedishhost.com

CubedHost was started by two people, Bill Ewing and Justin Head, in December of 2011.

We saw a need for a new kind of game hosting company: we set out to create a fantastic group of people who are dedicated to bringing you top-of-the-line game servers while maintaining a level of familiarity and friendship with our customers, plus super low prices.

In April of this year, CubedHost aquired ReliantCS, giving us four support agents and server managers. ReliantCS was run by Devin Ryan and Cory Bailly, who now provide support and help manage everything.

Bill is the lead backend developer, server administrator and the main force keeping the business online 24/7. Justin is the lead web / graphic designer and web developer, helping to make sure the site is easy to use and looks good at the same time. Devin is a secondary web developer and server administrator, providing backup support whenever needed. Lastly, Cory, helps with additional support, server monitoring and node management, to make sure customers get exactly what they need.

We have all come from years of experience with programming, freelance work, business & personal web design, business server management, Minecraft hosting and much more, thus making us more than capable of providing simple, yet powerful hosting services for our customers. We have played Minecraft ourselves, and still do, so we know exactly what customers want, and it’s the only thing we provide: nothing but the best.

We like to get to know our customers on a personal level. We make jokes and talk about personal stuff if our customers want to. We don’t want to scare you off with robot-like responses or boring conversations, we like to make friends with our customers. That being the case, we do take our work very seriously as we are dealing with real people. We take privacy, abuse, and usage of our services with the upmost seriousness in order to provide top quality hosting for every customer.

Date Founded: 2011-12-08
Coupon Codes: GSP
Website: https://cubedhost.org/