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Minecraft involves youth in city planning
ABC Game Servers was setup by Ian Poole out of frustration of using some other GSP’s which just didn’t deliver a good service. We try our best to deliver what we would expect ourselves, as...
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79 game server providers  11 voice / hosting providers
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SwedishHost.com is leasing servers with Scandinavia as a geographical focus. Since birth of this company we have always strived to be the most reliable host out there. By combining high-end hardware with well tested systems and a in house developed control panel, we make sure that the customer always... continue reading

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  ExodusHosting.net was founded by gamers just like you. Exodus Hosting was founded in 2011 by Ben C, a pure gamer himself, occupying himself on Garrysmod, CS:S, and Minecraft when he is not working. Exodus Hosting was founded with much consideration to those who cannot afford to pay high prices... continue reading

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Next Generation Gaming is a gaming site that has teamed up with a private server company to bring you high performance game servers at an unbeatable price. All of our servers come 24/7 support and 99.99% uptime Guaranteed! More Downloads are coming, we promise! We are working hard on getting more mods... continue reading

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Pro Gamer Hosting specializes in providing turn-key hosting facilities for Ventrilo and Teamspeak voice servers. Hi-speed servers, multiple upstream providers, 24/7 standby power, and round-the-clock technical support are just a few of the reasons why you can trust your voice server needs to Pro Gamer... continue reading

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We have started hosting in the first quarter of 2012 because we have a passion for servers and Minecraft! We have expanded ever since and became a registered company before we even opened (unlike many other hosts). We are here to bring professional hosting to consumers. SulliHosting is based in the... continue reading

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About us


This site is operated by Beetux Software. We are maintaining Gsprating so that gamers such as ourselves can easily locate the best possible game server, voice or web hosting provider. Also on the site we have discount coupon codes so that you can save the money you spend on game servers, and spend more of it on your critical hardware components.

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