Pro Gamer Hosting specializes in providing turn-key hosting facilities for Ventrilo and Teamspeak voice servers.
Hi-speed servers, multiple upstream providers, 24/7 standby power, and round-the-clock technical support are just a few of the reasons why you can trust your voice server needs to Pro Gamer Hosting.
Whether you’re starting from scratch or transferring your voice platform from another service provider, our team of professionals is ready to take you from where you are now to where you want to be. And we’ll do it all in record time.
Because we are all gamers, too, we are committed to making your online gaming experience as enjoyable as possible, and we do so by using only the most advanced datacenters, billing systems, and control panels currently available.
This means that while you’re busy kicking butt and taking names, we’re busy working in the background to keep your engine stoked and your players coming back for more.
Coupon Codes: GSPR10 – 10% discount code!
Website: http://www.progamerhosting.com