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GamingServers Pty Ltd
GriffinRUN has established itself as a top of the line game server provider since first serving the community in early 1995. The company has associated itself with taking pride in putting their customers first and...
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Member Since:February 9, 2011       flag

GriffinRUN has established itself as a top of the line game server provider since first serving the community in early 1995. The company has associated itself with taking pride in putting their customers first and foremost. Always striving to raise the bar of perfection, GriffinRUN provides our users with the most advanced services that others just can’t compete with. We intend to continue our tradition of excellence by exercising our professionally trained staff, continuing our push for affordable server hosting, and giving the customer what is demanded in the competitive environment we have today.

GriffinRUN’s goals stand as they were from day one as we raise the bar of what is expected from a top of the line performance server. We intend to maintain the professional image that our company has displayed, as well as make it our duty to bring you the most advanced technology in server hosting to date.

Coupon Codes: GSPRATING – 5% off your first month
Website: http://griffinrun.net

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Total Reviews 2     Positive 2     Negative 0


February 28th, 2012    

After playing counterstrike for 6 years and having many different providers, my last being globalfrag. I believe GriffunRUN provides one of the best services anyone can possibly ask. I had questions and they were there to answer in a matter of minutes. It did not matter the time of the day, my support ticket was answered nearly instant. The quality of the server is great and I have had no complaints yet. Lastly, the price and quality of their products are unbeatable. Looking for a good provider and service? GriffinRUN is the way to go!

    • 55555
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May 22nd, 2011    

GriffinRun is the best host I have ever dealt with, I can honestly say out of all the GSP’s I have purchased from in the past that GriffunRun is by far the best I have ever used. Their support is always online and their website is so easy to navigate. The server is smooth and it never lags even when its full. If you have the chance to purchase from them you shouldn’t think twice.

    • 55555
    • 55555
    • 44444
    • 55555

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