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Company Name: License Panel Company Email: akazah@licensepanel.com Company URL: http://www.licensepanel.com LicensePanel.com started in 2009 as a leading solution providers in the hosting and support markets. We offer many unique licenses that we confort from our...
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Member Since:October 2, 2010       flag

Company Name: License Panel

Company Email: akazah@licensepanel.com

Company URL: http://www.licensepanel.com

LicensePanel.com started in 2009 as a leading solution providers in the hosting and support markets. We offer many unique licenses that we confort from our providers such as ClientExec, IGCpane, WHMCS, and Kayako. We have insured many satisfaction with our customers and their understanding in the online business.

Key things setting us apart from the competition.

* We listen to what our customer’s say and we take our work in resolving their situation.
* Take our staff members in push them to their limits to insure your custtomer’s satisfaction.
* Establish a great working environment, making it easier to obtain and retain top talent.

Sales Dept: sales@licensepanel.com
Billing Dept: billing@licensepanel.com
Support Dept: support@licensepanel.com

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Total Reviews 3     Positive 2     Negative 1


June 4th, 2011    

Before i start sorry for my bad english, but i think all can understand…I have buy WHMCS license from them before 3 days, and still i don’t get what i pay for.
I have try to email support about this, they don’t answer…Asked for refund, still
they don’t answer…So if you ask me, don’t push your luck with them, coz you will lose. They are scam, and now, i have opened dispute with paypal, and they have one more day from me before i turn dispute to claim…

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October 3rd, 2010    

I have always heard of LicensePanel and never really wanted to switch companies. But once I actually played on one, I was sold instantly. Of course I always loved using it from the providers but once they started having problems is when I made the switch. Licensepanel has a great tech support person who is always helping (Matt) and the owner (Alex), well he is just an all around great guy. They have helped me so much and are always willing to help when I ask about something. So overall I would rate this company a perfect 10, and that’s hard to get by me.

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October 2nd, 2010    

Bought a WHMCS license from them, and only dropped them after two months because a new host offered WHMCS for free along with hosting.

It took about an hour to get the license, and once completed things were setup quickly. The only downside was that it was a bit more difficult to get support directly from WHMCS if I needed it, but it was well worth it for the discount.

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