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Battlefield Heroes
Company Name: My Internet Services LLC. Company Email: tim@myinternetservices.com Company URL: http://www.myinternetservices.com MyInternetServices.com was formed by the acquisition and consolidation of four mid-size web hosting companies and a computer gaming company titled MFOTS, LLC. These...
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Member Since:August 17, 2010       flag

Company Name: My Internet Services LLC.

Company Email: tim@myinternetservices.com

Company URL: http://www.myinternetservices.com

MyInternetServices.com was formed by the acquisition and consolidation of four mid-size web hosting companies and a computer gaming company titled MFOTS, LLC. These transactions brought us control of over 10,000 hosted websites and eight large scale competitive gaming tournaments, all under the MyInternetServices.com company. We are now one of the largest game server rental companies in the United States, and are currently the leading provider of Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142 Ranked Servers in the Americas.

Today, MyInternetServices.com provides the computer gaming industry with reliable game servers, personal and corporate web hosting, web design, competitive leagues and tournaments, numerous large community fan web sites, and extensive marketing capabilities.

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