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Provision Host is an established Game Server Provider that offers top of the line quality services at a reasonable cost. We utilize enterprise grade hardware in data centers that include N+1 redundancy, consistent and precise...
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Member Since:June 23, 2011       flag

Provision Host is an established Game Server Provider that offers top of the line quality services at a reasonable cost. We utilize enterprise grade hardware in data centers that include N+1 redundancy, consistent and precise HVAC cooling and premium bandwidth carriers.We make Gaming easier, hassle free and cost effective for your personal or community use.


Coupon Codes: GSPRATING – Use this promotional code and receive 10% off any of our services.
Website: http://www.provisionhost.com

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Total Reviews 6     Positive 6     Negative 0


April 14th, 2013    

Best server host! ProvisionHost is a great hosting service. The people running it know how to run servers. Some hosts just don’t have a clue what they are doing, but on provisionhost, if you have a problem, they can and will fix it. Now, their prices aren’t the cheapest, but you aren’t only paying for the servers, you are also paying for the service.

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Nichlas Rager

October 1st, 2011    

I’ve been a provisionhost client for the last 3-4 months, and I haven’t been disappointed, not the least.
When i bought the server, which were to be located in London, I got a notice that it would be up within 48 hours, since they were setting up a new servernode. After 36 hours i had my server. It ran smoothly from the second i had it. I’ve only had to reboot it when i made changes to it myself. It have NEVER crashed or lagged the least. I can totally recommend ProvisionHost.com to anyone, since they have the best support and servers, in my oppinion.
Yes, their prices are a little spicy, but if you want a proper server, this is actually pretty cheap.

Kind Regards,
Nichlas Rager

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June 24th, 2011    

Moved over from servercraft.co and could not be happier! These guys went WAY out of their way to get my existing world uploaded to the new server. Even after having problems with my backup I had they still got it up and running. They helped me babystep my way through SSH and through plugin installation on their server. The online CSR were on the ball and answered me immediately. LOVE these guys… can’t wait to have a long relationship with these guys/gals.

Thanks again!


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June 24th, 2011    

Simply Amazing Hosting! I’ve been to Dotblock, Powell, and VPSVille; and of all of these, Provision has been simply amazing! Their Live Support staff know what they’re doing, they’re quick to respond, and my Server has a perfect uptime! Their Staff are helpful and professional. I even told them when I had Lag, and they went onto the Server to see which Plugins or problems were causing it!

I have been quite careful after being scammed by Powell, and Provision even helped me seek a refund from them!

If you have any questions concerning them, or want to know anything about the Server, feel free to contact me at ‘zachyale@gmail.com’!



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June 24th, 2011    

Lightning fast connection, low downtime, helpful staff, these are just a few of the many qualities you will see if you choose ProvisionHost. We run a large minecraft server (peaking 140/150 after the first week) and have had virtually no problems since we registered. Use these guys, you won’t regret it!

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June 24th, 2011    

Been a provision client for a few months now and could not be any happier! Currently have a wood server and web hosting account. Servers run great with no lag and support is top notch. I get ticket responses very quickly and fast with friendly replied. Don’t have any complaints except they aren’t the cheapest host but definitely worth the money.

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