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Streamline Servers established in 2007, is already renowned for its reliability and quality products in both New Zealand and Australia. Streamline currently offers hosting for a variety of titles including Counter-Strike Source, Call of Duty...
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Member Since:June 12, 2012       flag

Streamline Servers established in 2007, is already renowned for its reliability and quality products in both New Zealand and Australia. Streamline currently offers hosting for a variety of titles including Counter-Strike Source, Call of Duty series, Minecraft as well as other specialist needs such as mumble voice servers. The Streamline vision is to offer a service that is primarily concerned with quality service and high uptime. Prices vary but are widely regarded as more than reasonable and definitely worth the quality product. Purchase a server today at www.streamline-servers.com

Date Founded: 05/03/2007
Coupon Codes: Check Back Soon
Website: http://streamline-servers.com

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Total Reviews 2     Positive 2     Negative 0


October 31st, 2015    

I am very happy with Streamline-Servers. They have the best support in the business and have responded to my requests within the hour, and even within minutes. I suggested adding some new Mods in the Mod Manager, and they were live within 30 minutes. I was with another host which charged 5x more for the same servers, and I have to admit that Streamline servers have much better performance, and now allows me to afford 5x more servers for the same price. The support personnel are extremely polite and quick to make you happy, so don’t hesitate to get your servers from them.

    • 55555
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June 14th, 2012    

Hey all,
If you are thinking of getting a server speak too Uk and graphite.
there really friendly and host quality servers in;
Call of Duty 4
Team Fortress 2
Left 4 dead 2
and Mumble.
the currently have 5 Server Boxes with a dedicated Minecraft Box.
servers are based in Sydney and NZ
i currently have CS:S and MC servers and enjoy lag free gaming.

Support: the support system for streamline is really good. there is the support ticket system and also UK, graphite and any other admins are generally on steam.

this is my quick review i will write a full one for streamline on the forums.

    • 55555
    • 55555
    • 44444
    • 55555

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