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GMC Hosting is a Game Server Provider that is located in New York and that is ran by people from various backgrounds such as network engineers, web hosters and past community owners . We work...
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GMC Hosting

GMC Hosting is a Game Server Provider that is located in New York and that is ran by people from various backgrounds such as network engineers, web hosters and past community owners .

We work to provide the best bang for your money even if it means paying more. We try to offer the lowest pings, best service and the best experience out of any game server provider in the US.

We specialize in hosting “Garry’s Mod Servers” and provide the most perks along with that game. Some are our custom workshop extractor, full fast dl sync more

All services are setup instantly and are monitored daily to ensure you are happy with your server.

Date Founded: 2010-10-04
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Website: https://gmchosting.com

Not only do we already offer a huge selection of hosted game servers, both leading voice server communications clients (Teamspeak & Ventrilo), and a range of dedicated servers, we also ensure that we are always expanding the list of what we offer.

This isn’t just offering extra titles or more options, at GameServage we are also always looking for new and innotive ways to deliver our services. This need to constantly innovate and fine tune our service delivery process all goes towards making your experience with GameServage even more enjoyable.

So whether your just starting off and wanting your first game server, need a voice server or just after a new home for your clan website, we have a solution that will fit your requirements. Alternatively, if you think that your clan is ready for the next level and you need to expand, then our dedicated servers will be just the ticket.

With GameServage you can be sure that whatever service it is you take from us, that it is being hosted and supported by one of the UK’s leading gaming service providers.

Date Founded: 04/10/2012
Coupon Codes: Check Back Soon
Website: http://www.gameservage.com