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It is our goal to provide our customers with the best internet game play possible, helpful support and affordable pricing. UltimateGameServer was established in 2002 as one of the first pioneers in the GSP industry....
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It is our goal to provide our customers with the best internet game play possible, helpful support and affordable pricing.

UltimateGameServer was established in 2002 as one of the first pioneers in the GSP industry. We started out as a few people with a love for multiplayer games and first person shooters. Throughout the company’s history, we have always searched out knowledgeable support techs that also share this passion so that they can relate to our customers and understand the needs of a gamer. Our top notch support and slew of other features have helped us to raise our customer base over the years and give us the power to provide superior networks and hardware at affordable prices, to create the ultimate game server for you!

We use only premium, cutting edge hardware for our servers to insure maximum performance and reliability. All of our servers run Intel multi-core processors to meet the needs of even the most demanding game servers and mods. We use only custom built, company owned hardware built for games. UGS employs onsite technicians at all of our locations to ensure that our reliability is unmatched.

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Total Reviews 9     Positive 9     Negative 0


May 29th, 2011    

I have only been with them for a day or so, due to exams coming up I had to terminate my server however, their service is the best I’ve seen so far. Live Chat is almost online all day and the staff are friendly, helpful and don’t actually screw you over and say it’s your problem like other hosts.

The server quality is good, I had it on for a day with about 15 or so people without lag even when the server was located miles and miles away from me.

Pricing is great and you actually get the ram you’re paying for, unlike other hosts who don’t give you the full ram you purchased.

The website is sleek, sexy and I enjoyed flicking through the plans because I loved the pictures and the combination of colours (okay I sound really retarded now) but the website looks professional, helpful and that Live Support is always that bright green colour with the word ‘Online’.

Like others here, I would highly recommend them.

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May 26th, 2011    

This has been the provider of several servers I have gamed on, they have so far, been durable, sturdy, hardy and rarely ever down.

Their ease of purchase, billing, maintaining and modifying far surpasses some of the competition, especially since they are able to concentrate on servers that are within one region and county. Not many servers within have lived to expectations of gamers.

They have made every effort to uphold their goal, far exceeding it than what other companies might charge and serve, and their wording can be taken to account, there is no lack, loss, or lag of quality once you know what you’re doing with your rent.

I’d recommend them to those that live within the service area, while UGS was NOT my first provider, *As far as renting from them*, their quality made me opt out of renting a second server from my primary provider and open up business with them. Just the sheer quality, ease of use and access, and of course, no BS with the invoices, it just feels right to be gaming with them.

The only few cons, would be the pricing for ‘Redirecting’ could have been better, the service in support could be made more..”friendlier” and the site, needs more community involvements, even if its just posting daily events. Having a Steam and Xfire group is a step ahead, but if they could fulfill it and keep going, it would surely allow them to get more publicity. I didn’t even know UGS existed till two years ago.

While there’s room for improvement, if you need something sturdy, go with UGS.

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Carlo Pannunzio

January 9th, 2011    

I have been hosting a Killing Floor server from them for quite a while now and I have to say that it has never gone down, and been stable for the most part. I do not typically write reviews, but I became so irritated with this matter that I felt that I had to. The UGS support team is by far the worst and most unfriendly and educated I have ever had the chance of speaking too. Of course, that is the one time they actually do answer. It takes days for my support tickets to get answered. When they finally do get answered, the responses are limited and uninformative.

I am a little disappointed with this as I really do not want to cancel my services and give them a bad name, but I feel it is my duty to do so until their support team actually does something to fix my server. I am writing this to inform all of you of UGS’ shortcomings and to hopefully reach UGS in a more derogatory way by exposing their lousy support team.


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September 5th, 2010    

I have tried many game server company’s for various games. These guys are the best. The Clans servers are always up and with no lag. Customer support is always top notch.

Ramon Owens

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pete henson

August 29th, 2010    

I came to UGS originally because their prices were so cheap and what a great decision it was . The server is always up and running without any problems.My WAW server never has lag and runs nice and smooth all the time. I plan on staying with UGS.

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August 23rd, 2010    

I have been using there server hosting for almost 2 months now and im going to stick with them. The Customer Service is nice and friendly and respond quick. My CSS Server has 0 lag even when im running a huge smash map with blocks flying everywhere. My Gmod server NEVER lags even if its being stressed. They are a great host and im going to stick with hem

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July 26th, 2010    

I well say these guy are good, but i was really to found of the customer service and support. Support was after 5pm est – 12 am est, you call in you be told to wait until 5pm. Sometimes i won’t get a respond from my ticket at all. They also seem to forget to lock your server if don’t pay anymore, the vent and 2 game server were still up for maybe 3 months after i left them for a dedicated box.

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July 23rd, 2010    

I invested in this company on the grounds of them just being overall awesome, and to try out someone new..
After making my purchase, I phoned them up to see what was taking so long..

Found out the gateway I used (Google checkout) requires manual authorization, so he tells me the auto setup has begun, and someone is installing everything right now, he said it’d be about an hour. It was done in less than 30 minutes.

I now have a lovely server and have been working it very hard..
However today we had two Counter Strike Source updates.. nothing big since they have a steam updater in the Control Panel, I updated both servers with steam almost instantly and allowed my friendly friends and clan members to rid themselves of the “Client and Server product versions don’t match”, and continue gaming.

They rock.

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June 1st, 2010    

Dchservers.com has been hosted by http://www.UltimateGameServer.com for 3 years and to say the least it has been the best hosting experience I’ve come by. With such a knowledgeable support team DCH was never left without an answer when it came to anything from choosing the best server hardware to implementing a TCAdmin solution that would best serve customers. UGS also has on-site technicians at each of their datacenters which made for super fast equipment upgrades, OS re-installs, and hard drive replacements.

The tier1 networks they use which include carriers like Internap and Peer1 keep the pings super low, and the uptime constant. We’ve never skipped a beat on the network – no lag, no spiking – perfect for any Game Server.

I’d highly recommend them.

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