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I’m really into user feedback so I’d like to know what would you like to see on this website? What will help you more than anything with game server ratings. Would you like to see...
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Published on:November 16, 2009       flag

I’m really into user feedback so I’d like to know what would you like to see on this website? What will help you more than anything with game server ratings. Would you like to see more reviews by us, or more reviews by our users. I have been hearing alot of people say they want more legit reviews by actual customers. I am currently working on a system that will weed through the fake reviews and publish only the real users testimonials.

Let me know what other features you would like implemented on our website. Remember you the user are the reason this website is alive, so post your feedback in detail so we can make it come true.

Recently I have added a chat bar from Webby Chat that will allow our guest and registered users to talk with each other live.

Place this badge on your website so that everyone can see you are a verified service provider

Total Reviews 2     Positive 0     Negative 0


November 19th, 2009    

I will work on some of those, as for the plans I don’t think that works well with game server providers, but if you do have a discount special coming up let me know and I’ll get it posted.

I will be making the URL’s clickable so there is some backlinking going on for the subscribers, as for the uptime monitor I have talked with a coder and we may add this in the future.

Daniel Johnston

November 17th, 2009    

This is just an idea. You could work on some kind of uptime monitor for providers. If you had something like that you would have a lot more providers in my opinion. Also, you could add a plan system where hosts can add their plans and link to them? Also I think you should make the URLs click-able on the provider overview pages.

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